You are here: Check-in User Guide > Assisted Mode > Barcode Assisted Check-in > Barcode Rapid Check-in

Barcode Rapid Check-in

The Bar Code Rapid Check-in search parameter allows a participant to completely bypass the activity selection screen. If the participant has a previously been given a participant assignment for the activity, Check-in simply displays a confirmation, or a name tag and/or parent receipts prints depending upon how the activity was configured.

Barcode Rapid Check-in is a way to use a combination of self check-in and assisted check-in at the same machine. Only those participants that do not have an assignment require a volunteer to intervene and choose the correct location. All other participants are immediately checked in (and a name tag/parent receipt will automatically print if the activity and/or room/location has been configured to do so).

Tip! Bar Code Rapid Check-in is a great feature to use with your middle and high school students who may not want to check-in and wear a name tag. Being able to scan a barcode item such as a key chain tag or card may appeal to students.

Preparing for Barcode Rapid Check-in

To make Bar Code Rapid Check-in work properly, ensure the following conditions are completed: 􀂊

If these conditions are met, once the barcode number is scanned, the check-in is complete and no additional selections need to be made.

Checking In

When the participant attends an activity/event, he/she can check in using the BarCode Rapid Check-in feature.

To check in

  1. Ensure that you have associated a barcode number with an individual. Also ensure that the participant you are using has a participant assignment for the activity. Participant assignments are entered in Fellowship One ( See Participant Assignments for instructions on creating a participant assignment.
  2. Touch Search to display the Search screen if it is not already displayed.
  3. Touch the Bar Code Rapid Check-in button.

  4. Scan the barcode. The screen displays the number in the search field.
  5. Once the number has been verified, a confirmation appears as shown in the image below. If the activity has been configured to print name tags and/or a parent tag, those will print.